She was SO grossly underweight that we had blood panels run at the vets, ruling out any illnesses... All the results came back normal, so our vet feels that she was just starved for months (basically)... Even her spine stuck out as it ran along her back in a sharp, upside down "V"... Each rib stood out down her sides and we were really worried if we could keep her alive long enough to get her healthy again!

Amazing what good food and TLC can do...
We suspect Queenie was used as a breeder - Brindle Chihuahuas are highly sought after and seldom show up in rescue, let along Tri-color Brindles... Her coat is a RICH brown and black brindle surrounded by a coat of white...
As for her personality, we slowly have gotten her used to being held by humans and now she actively seeks out cuddles and pats...She has become a major cuddle bunny and lap sitter now, finally enjoying the 'good life' as it was really intended to be!
Queenie is between 18 months and 2 years old, spayed, up-to-date on her shots (including rabies), microchipped and licensed for the County of Ventura.